1. Jobs that failed today.
2. Jobs that are running slow than average execution time. The second reultset have one column Execution_Time_Normal as values “Yes” or “No”. This values is Yes for jobs that are running in normal execution time but is No for jobs that are taking 25 % time more on their average execution time. You can decide the precentage value for your jobs by replacing 25 with your value in line “when ((today_execution_time-avg_execution_time)*100)/avg_execution_time > 25” in last SELECT statement.
use msdb
select distinct name from sysjobs inner join sysjobhistory on sysjobs.job_id = sysjobhistory.job_id
where sysjobhistory.run_date = year(getdate())*10000 + month(getdate())*100 + datepart("dd",getdate())
and sysjobhistory.run_status = 0
--currently running jobs:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblResults') IS NOT NULL
drop table #tblResults
CREATE TABLE #tblResults
job_id uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,
last_run_date int NOT NULL,
last_run_time int NOT NULL,
next_run_date int NOT NULL,
next_run_time int NOT NULL,
next_run_schedule_id int NOT NULL,
requested_to_run int NOT NULL, -- BOOL
request_source int NOT NULL,
request_source_id sysname COLLATE database_default NULL,
running int NOT NULL, -- BOOL
current_step int NOT NULL,
current_retry_attempt int NOT NULL,
job_state int NOT NULL
INSERT INTO #tblResults
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1, ''
alter table #tblResults add Avg_Execution_Time int null
alter table #tblResults add Today_execution_time int null
update ttbl set ttbl.Avg_Execution_Time = ttmp.avg_time
from #tblResults ttbl inner join (select sysjobs.job_id , avg (case LEN(run_duration)
when 3 then run_duration/100
when 4 then run_duration/100
when 5 then ((LEFT(convert(varchar(5),run_duration),1)*60) + (RIGHT(convert(varchar(5),run_duration),4)/100))
when 6 then (LEFT(run_duration,2)*60) + (RIGHT(run_duration,4)/100) end) avg_time
from sysjobs inner join sysjobhistory on sysjobs.job_id = sysjobhistory.job_id
inner join (select job_id from #tblResults where running = 1) tt on sysjobs.job_id = tt.job_id
where sysjobhistory.run_date > year(getdate())*10000 + (month(getdate())-1)*100 + datepart("dd",getdate())
and sysjobhistory.step_id =0
group by sysjobs.job_id ) ttmp on ttbl.job_id = ttmp.job_id
update ttbl set ttbl.Today_execution_time =
((datepart("hh",getdate())* 60) + (datepart("n",getdate()))) -
case LEN(next_run_time)
when 3 then next_run_time/100
when 4 then next_run_time/100
when 5 then ((LEFT(convert(varchar(5),next_run_time),1)*60) + (RIGHT(convert(varchar(5),next_run_time),4)/100))
when 6 then (LEFT(next_run_time,2)*60) + (RIGHT(next_run_time,4)/100) end
from #tblResults ttbl
where running = 1
SELECT tj.name, case
when ((today_execution_time-avg_execution_time)*100)/avg_execution_time > 25 then 'No'
else 'Yes' end as Execution_Time_Normal,
Today_execution_time,Avg_Execution_Time,tr.next_run_date as current_run_date,tr.next_run_time as current_run_time, tr.last_run_date, tr.last_run_time,*
FROM #tblResults tr inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs tj on tr.job_id = tj.job_id
where running = 1
order by tr.last_run_date
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