Sunday, March 28, 2010
What if you forget the password of Database Master Key (DMK)
Database Master Key (DMK)
USE TestDataBase
USE TestDataBase
USE TestDataBase
Service Master Key (SMK)
Difference between Cell- level Encryption and Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
Cell- level Encryption | Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) |
Granular control over which data is encrypted | Encrypts the entire database |
User‐aware encryption can control access on a need‐to‐know basis | Encryption is not user‐aware; data is open to all users who have permission to access the database |
Requires analysis to find sensitive data | No analysis required because entire database is encrypted |
Affect table structure because encrypted data can only be stored in varbinary data type columns. | No change is required in table structure. |
Database applications need to be modified to use specific functions to encrypt and decrypt data. | No database application change needed. |
Indexes, primary keys, and foreign keys cannot be encrypted. | No impact on indexing, primary keys, or foreign keys |
Potential impact on performance because indexes on encrypted columns are not used while searching a value. | Small impact on performance (up to 5%) |
Facts about SQL Server Data Encryption & Decryption
· Password (ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE function)· Hashing (HASHBYTES function)· Symmetric Key· Asymmetric key· Certificate· TDE
· Encrypt high-value and sensitive data only.· Use symmetric keys to encrypt data, and asymmetric keys or certificates to protect the symmetric keys.· Password-protect keys and remove master key encryption for the most secure configuration.· Always back up the service master key, database master keys, and certificates by using the key-specific DDL statements.· Always back up your database to back up your symmetric and asymmetric keys.
15. Data can be protected if we take control over automatic key management. This can be done by following three methods:
1. Granting authorization on key to authorized users only.16. Password can be used to encrypt table data and any level of key up to DMK.
2. Encrypting the data or keys with secure password.
3. Extensible Key Management (EKM).
Using OUTPUT clause for auditing
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable1](
[Col1] [int] NULL,
[Col2] [varchar](10) NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable1_Audit](
[Col1_Old] [int] NULL,
[Col1_New] [int] NULL,
[Col2_Old] [varchar](10) NULL,
[Col2_New] [varchar](10) NULL,
[Action] varchar(50) NULL
OUTPUT NULL, inserted.Col1, NULL, inserted.Col2, 'INSERT'
INTO [MyTable1_Audit]
SELECT * FROM [MyTable1_Audit]
UPDATE MyTable1 SET Col1 = 10 , Col2 = 'Great'
OUTPUT deleted.Col1, inserted.Col1,
deleted.Col2, inserted.Col2, 'UPDATE' INTO [MyTable1_Audit]
WHERE Col1 = 1
SELECT * FROM [MyTable1_Audit]
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Get free space in Data and Log files in all databases
To get total size and free space (unallocated space) in transaction log files of all databases we have a very handy command:
But there is no such command to get the free space in data files of all databases. Even in current database, data file size and free space can be checked by sp_spaceused.
But if you have many databases than connecting to each database and executing the sp_spaceused command is troublesome.
To simplify this task I have written following query. This provides you all information about file size and free space in all databases.
CREATE TABLE #temp (DatabaseName VARCHAR(100), DataFileSize_MB INT,
Free_Space_in_Data_Files_MB INT, LogFileSize_MB INT)
EXEC sp_msforeachdb 'SELECT ''?'' as DatabaseName, DBSize.DataSize,
case when DBSize.DataSize - allocated.ReservedPages > 0 then
DBSize.DataSize - allocated.ReservedPages else 0 end as FreeSpace_MB, DBSize.LogSize
FROM (SELECT (sum(convert(bigint,case when status & 64 = 0 then
size else 0 end))* 8192 / 1048576) DataSize,
(sum(convert(bigint,case when status & 64 <> 0 then
size else 0 end))* 8192 / 1048576) LogSize
FROM [?].dbo.sysfiles) DBSize,
(SELECT (sum(total_pages)* 8192 / 1048576) AS ReservedPages
FROM [?].sys.allocation_units) allocated'
SELECT instance_name AS 'DatabaseName', tt.DataFileSize_MB, tt.Free_Space_in_Data_Files_MB,
tt.LogFileSize_MB, (tt.LogFileSize_MB -(MAX(cntr_value)/1024)) AS 'Free_Space_in_Log_Files_MB'
FROM #temp tt inner join sysperfinfo on tt.DatabaseName = sysperfinfo.instance_name
WHERE counter_name ='Log File(s) Used Size (KB)' AND instance_name != '_total'
GROUP BY instance_name , tt.DataFileSize_MB, tt.Free_Space_in_Data_Files_MB, tt.LogFileSize_MB
ORDER BY tt.Free_Space_in_Data_Files_MB + (tt.LogFileSize_MB -(MAX(cntr_value)/1024)) DESC
--drop table #temp
Following is the screenshot of its output
Friday, March 5, 2010
Best practices to write complex JOINs on multiple tables
SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY FROM tableA, tableB WHERE tableA.col1= tableB.col1
--ANSI standard:
SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY FROM tableA INNER JOIN tableB ON tableA.col1= tableB.col1
In earlier version of SQL Server, Transact-SQL standard had *= and =* operator for LEFT and RIGHT OUTER joins. But now these operators have been deprecated. So always use the ANSI standard for unanimity and clarity. Find the easier to understand query out of following two same queries:
--Query 1: SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY, tableC.colZ FROM tableA, tableB LEFT OUTER JOIN tableC ON tableA.col2 = tableC.col2 WHERE tableA.col1= tableB.col1 --Query 2: SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY, tableC.colZ FROM tableA INNER JOIN tableB ON tableA.col1= tableB.col1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tableC ON tableA.col2 = tableC.col2
--Query 1: Using left outer join
SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY, tableC.colZ FROM tableA LEFT OUTER JOIN tableB ON tableA.col1= tableB.col1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tableC ON tableB.col2 = tableC.col2 --Query 2: Using left and right outer join<?xml:namespace prefix = o />
SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY, tableC.colZ FROM tableB RIGHT OUTER JOIN tableA ON tableA.col1= tableB.col1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tableC ON tableB.col2 = tableC.col2 --Query 3: Using right outer join<?xml:namespace prefix = o />
SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY, tableC.colZ FROM tableC RIGHT OUTER JOIN tableB ON tableB.col2 = tableC.col2 RIGHT OUTER JOIN tableA ON tableA.col1= tableB.col1
--Query 1: SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY, tableC.colZ FROM tableA LEFT OUTER JOIN tableB ON tableA.col1= tableB.col1 INNER JOIN tableC ON tableA.col2 = tableC.col2 --Query 2: SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY, tableC.colZ FROM tableA INNER JOIN tableC ON tableA.col2 = tableC.col2 LEFT OUTER JOIN tableB ON tableA.col1= tableB.col1
--Query 1: SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY, tableC.colZ FROM tableA INNER JOIN tableB LEFT OUTER JOIN tableC ON tableA.col1= tableB.col1 ON tableA.col2 = tableC.col2 --Query 2: SELECT tableA.colX, tableB.colY, tableC.colZ FROM tableA INNER JOIN tableB ON tableA.col1= tableB.col1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tableC ON tableA.col2 = tableC.col2
If I am to write a query to know the Salesperson, product and the total sold quantity of that product, I have to identify the relation between Salesperson, Product and there sold quantity. Following is the screenshot of database diagram of required tables in AdventureWorks database:
Now when we know the relation, we can write a query to join these tables:
SELECT Emp.LoginID, Prod.Name, SUM (SOD.OrderQty) AS TotalQuantitySold
FROM HumanResources.Employee Emp
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
ON Emp.EmployeeID = SOH.SalesPersonID
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD
ON SOH.SalesOrderID = SOD.SalesOrderID
INNER JOIN Production.Product Prod
ON SOD.ProductID = Prod.ProductID
GROUP BY Emp.LoginID, Prod.Name
ORDER BY Emp.LoginID, Prod.Name
The screenshot of query result is following:
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The purpose of Transaction Log
We all know that all DDL and DML changes are logged in Transaction log. But when I ask a question that what is the primary purpose of Transaction log in SQL Server then the most common answers that I get are following:
· For Transaction log backup.
· For Transactional Replication, Log shipping or Mirroring.
As we know these two features can not be implemented in SIMPLE recovery model but transaction log is still maintained in this recovery model. This indicates that even these features use transaction log but these are not the prime purpose of Transaction log.
The primary purpose is Rollback & Recovery.
We all know that reversing the changes is called Rollback in SQL Server. This is the process to keep the database consistent and integrated. Transaction is the unit of action and either all statements of a transactions complete successfully or none.
So what is Recovery? Recovery includes two steps: Redo and Undo. In Redo all changes of completed transactions, after the last checkpoint are updated in data pages. In Undo process all changes of uncompleted transactions up to last checkpoint are rolled back.
Recovery is performed on a database in two cases:
1. While starting the database when SQL Server starts
2. While restoring the database.
The recovery process while restoring a database can be paused for later time by using NORECOVERY option in RESTORE DATABASE or RESTORE LOG command.